Top Camping Gear For Dogs: A Guide

Top Camping Gear for Dogs: A Guide

As the months warm up and summer dawns on the horizon, many of us are starting to think of vacations and  trips. Here in the Treasure Valley, camping is a popular activity and the camping gear you’ll need for your dog is definitely something to be aware of.

Before embarking on a camping trip with your dog, be sure you have the proper equipment. A dog needs plenty of good food, water, playthings, and safety gear to help them have the best possible camping experience. 

Top Camping Gear You Need for Your Dog

Camping is an awesome experience and your dog will thank you for taking them along. Let’s plan the gear you need to take to give your pup an amazing time.

Dog Camping Essentials

The Essentials

These are items you should have with you no matter where you camp or how long of a trip you plan. 

First Aid

A first aid kit is crucial for both humans and pets when you’re out in the wilderness. Get one for your dog that includes up-to-date vet and medication records, gauze and non-stick bandages, pet-safe eyewash, adhesive tape, and a digital thermometer.

ID Tags

Make sure your dog’s ID tags (with contact information) are up-to-date and on your dog at all times. You’ll also want to snap a current pic that can help others identify your dog if you happen to lose them and need help in the search. 


Always bring a leash, and it’s best to bring an extra one if you’re camping in case you misplace one. A harness can make your dog more comfortable, and you can either combine your two leashes or buy an extra long one to give them more running space without letting them out of sight.

Keep in mind that all campgrounds have different leashing guidelines, so be sure to check those before you head out so you don’t get into trouble.

Food and Water Bowls

It may seem incredibly obvious, but you’d be surprised by what you might forget when planning a huge camping trip. If you can afford it, you may want to bring along collapsible food and water bowls that you can easily carry in your pack for long hikes or beach days.

Poop Scooping Gear

Most campgrounds and scenic areas are pretty picky about dog poop. Don’t forget to take along whatever pooper scooper you have and some extra doggie bags to keep nature clean. There are lots of tools you can get to make scooping poop easier in the wild.

Food and Treats

Bring your dog’s regular food, but don’t forget some treats as well! These could come in especially handy if you need to train your dog to behave differently in new spaces or if you expect your dog to get bored and be left alone for any length of time while you’re camping.

Be sure you know how your dog’s food and treats need to be stored and that you keep anything perishable in a cooler or camper fridge. You don’t want a sick pup while you’re out on vacation!


This is an essential for humans more than dogs, but it’s pretty important. Get a safety light to clip to your dog’s collar or harness so you can always find them, even in dark or stormy places where they may be able to see much better than you.

Aussie sitting in a camping chair, taking your dog camping and the extras for your dog

The Extras

Now that you have your essentials packed, let’s talk about items that may not be crucial but can definitely be super helpful for keeping your dog happy throughout their camping trip. 

Coat or Jacket

You never know what the weather’s going to be like in the mountains. It’s always best to bring a coat, especially a rain coat or jacket, to keep your dog warm and relatively dry no matter the weather.

Plus, as you know, some dogs just don’t tolerate cold as well as others. If your pup is one bred for more indoor activities, you’ll want to make extra sure they have some extra coating to keep them warm. 

Dog Booties or Shoes + Healing Balm

Long hikes and walks can be hard on anyone’s feet! Plus, hot sand and dirt can be painful even to your dog’s hardy paws. Bring along some booties or shoes your dog can wear for hot or long adventures so they don’t destroy their feet.

It’s also a great idea to bring along a healing balm to soothe any sores your dog may get, from scratches on the rocks to burns from hot sand or even ice if you’re near a cold lake. This can help your dog feel a bit better and encourage them to keep adventuring with you.

Extra Towel

Whether from rain or swimming in a lake, your dog is bound to get wet on your vacation. If you want to avoid sharing a towel and having that wet dog smell a little too close for comfort, bring along an extra towel or two just for your pup.

Pet Tent or Pad

Most dogs are happy to stretch out on the bare ground or grass wherever you go. But if your dog is extra sensitive or if you’re worried that the ground will be too hot, cold, or wet, a sleeping pad or dog tent is a great idea. 

Tick and Flea Repellent

Before you head out, talk to your vet about the best tick and flea repellent for your dog. Ticks are especially drawn to your dog’s furry, warm body, and mosquitoes don’t discriminate. Be sure your dog is protected before you head out on your adventure.


Sometimes, dogs just don’t hear us when we call. Whether they’re too far out or simply too busy, a human call may not always get their attention. It’s always a good idea to bring a whistle along that can sound a lot louder than you and quickly attract your dog’s attention.

Swim-Safe Leash

Some leashes are made specially with rust-free clips and the ability to float in the water so you can grab hold more easily. Get a light-colored, swim-safe leash in case of any swimming adventures, especially if your dog is fond of water. 

Dog Brush and Toys

While not essential, it can be nice to have a brush along. Your dog is sure to get tangles if their fur is long, and they’ll likely get burrs or other wild objects stuck on their bodies. Plus, brushes can make it easier to check for ticks.

Toys are also important if you think your dog may get bored. While most dogs love running outdoors, there may be times you need to head into town or keep your dog tied up at camp for a long period of time. At that point, a toy or two can be a real lifesaver. 

Bonus Tips

Here are a few bonus tips to help you keep your dog safe while on a camping trip.

Keep Your Dog Hydrated

When dogs are playing outside, it’s more important than ever to keep them well hydrated. Bring your dog’s water bowl everywhere you go and make sure you offer it at least every hour. The last thing you want is for your dog to get dehydrated and need medical attention.

Know of Poisonous Plants and Watch for Allergies

Before going on your trip, do a little research so you know what poisonous plants are in your area and what you should watch for so your dog doesn’t run into a patch of poison ivy or try snacking on something that will make them sick.

It’s also important to know the signs of allergies in your dog, as just like humans, pups can suffer from allergic reactions to the world around them. Keep an eye out for symptoms such as:

  • Itchy skin or eyes
  • Runny nose and sneezing
  • Internal distress like vomiting or diarrhea

Follow Campground Rules

Before heading off to the campground, be sure and check the website for any rules and regulations surrounding dogs. Some sites require leashes and some even dictate the length of the leash. There are plenty of rules that different campgrounds can set to protect you, your dogs, and other campers.

If you’re looking for a campground that’s specifically pet-friendly, you may want to check out Hipcamp or BringFido for some great dog-friendly campgrounds.  

If you follow campground rules and bring along these suggested supplies, you and your dog are sure to have an amazing camping vacation. So, go ahead and enjoy your summer! 

Need help with scooping your dog’s poop? Our team would love to provide you with the support you need! Check out our services to learn more about how we scoop poop and make life easier and healthier for you and your pup.